Thursday, March 11, 2010

What I Got

I'm looking around at this blog and I'm realizing you kinda got short-changed with the Picasa Web Album. Most of those pictures were repeats (which I knew, but I couldn't do anything about it because I couldn't find the stinkin' delete button), and now I'm finding that they were also repeated here on the blog in previous posts. Lame. Sorry about that. Well, I've got 4 new pictures for you today that I GARE-OWN-TEE you've never seen before. (Unless you were at my aunt's party last weekend or your nickname is LW).

"Eliza"- Daring Adventure Lies Before Us

"Ella" Private Collection

These are 2 of my latest "girls", and I'm really proud of them. They keep gettin' better and better, folks! (If I do say so myself.) I mean, I started off with some pretty "beginner"-looking paintings (you can see them in previous posts) and now I've got tons of layers going on and dimension...I'm really happy with where things are going. And I got like, the ultimate compliment last week: last Friday, Suzi Blu told me that my painting was the kind of work that art galleries are looking for. What?! Suzi Blu? Art Galleries?! I had to slow down and breathe for a little while....take it all in. Now it's been a week and I'm here in my studio working on my next piece, thinking about how it fits in with the others, and in the back of my mind thinking I might finally get the chance to write my Artist's Statement!

"Stella"- Stage Fright

"Alexa"- Courage

1 comment:

  1. OMG I love that you've named all of your girls in the collection. Although I am partial to Ella, Stella has my curiosity piqued. I can't can't wait to see what she does next! When I first saw Alexa, she actually reminded me of you when we were little girls. You wore your fringe straight across. Cute!
