Thursday, August 27, 2009

So What's the Dill, Yo?

So we went to the East Bay...San Ramon, to be exact. It's actually a really nice place, despite my initial misgivings. I thought it was going to be in the boonies, and it turns out it was much, much closer than I gave it credit for. It also has some really new amenities that make it an up and coming community, and a great place to live.

We checked out a few new construction homes. We're talking expensive here, folks. And, of course, we pretty much fell head over heels in love with the most expensive one. As we were walking through the model home we couldn't stop saying to each other, "I could live here". It kept repeating over and over. The house was like a Disneyland ride for kept getting better and better and it seemed like the Happiest Place on Earth. And then reality hit. We can't have that house. It's too expensive. Or can we? My husband and I couldn't wait to go home and crunch the numbers.

We got home and he got out the mortgage calculators and all that crazy stuff I don't understand. (I know I should understand it folks! He keeps reminding me I should understand it!) It turns out that if we brought in just a little more each month, we could swing that house. But where are we going to get the money? That's what's killing us.

So we're going back again this weekend. We're going to look at lower priced homes, but we're also going to torture ourselves and look at our dream home again. We'll be crushed if we don't get that house. All signs point to us getting crushed.

On a lighter note, I've started making Tooth Fairy Pillows. I have one up so far in my Etsy Shop and more to be posted soon. I don't want to post them all at once because they'll all get buried. I love Etsy, but I do liken it to a neverending giant heap of cute stuff, that people keep shoveling more and more cute stuff upon, and my cute stuff never really gets a chance to breathe because it kind of suffocates from all the other people's cute stuff that has been shoveled on top of it. So that's my Etsy/Giant Cute Stuff Heap Analogy.

One of my Tooth Fairy Pillows

I'll have more on the too-expensive new-house sit-chew-ay-shon in my next post. Until then, do keep your fingers crossed that a money cloud opens up in the sky right above me and makes a commitment to follow me around for awhile.

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